Hide and Seek (soft cover) – Children’s Picture Book

Product Code: G181

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A meadow is a perfect place to play hide and seek – there are bridges to creep under and masses of wildflowers to use for cover. In grass high enough to conceal all her animal friends, the young girl must use all of her senses to track her animal companions! She smells, listens, feels and searches for them, up, down, in, under and around , but she can’t quite find them. Can you spot the stealthy wolf on each spread? Will the girl find her friends, or will the wolf find her first?

Is the wolf a baddie or is he just lonely and wants to be friends and play as well? Will he be excluded and ostracised by the other animal friends because of the way he looks? Can foster empathy.


Age:  2 – 6 years
Author:  Polly Noakes
Code:  g181
Pages:  32 pages 268 x 245mm
ISBN / Part No.:  978-1-84643-181-4