
Our Cat Cuddles Storysack Classroom Version

Product Code: SN5

Ex Tax: $108.10Price: $118.91AU



Author:  Gervase Phinn
Illustrator:  Amanda Montgomery-Higham
Code:  sn5

Lizzie and Dominic desperately want a kitten, but they get much more than they bargain for! The puppets and audio CD in this Storysack® bring the story to life, whilst the creative language development cards build on the exciting language used in the book.  A non-fiction game helps to teach children to care for pets.  Many activities involving the use of language, adjectives and pet care can be explored using this sack.  A Storysack® is a large cloth bag containing a quality child’s picture book with supporting materials to stimulate reading activities. To bring the book to life, soft toys of the main characters, artefacts relating to items in the story, a non-fiction element relating to the fiction theme and a game based on the book are included. A guide and prompt suggest ways of developing listening, reading and writing skills using the contents of the Storysack®.

Contents: ‘Our Cat Cuddles’ Big book, ‘Pet Corner’ game, ‘Our Cat Cuddles’ Creative Language Development cards, the Lion hand puppet, 5 kitten Finger puppets, CD, Teacher/Parent guide and prompt card and cloth sack.