
Wellness and mental health – Set of 6 Children’s Books

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A New School For Charlie – Charlie is excited about his first day at a new school, but when he gets there, he finds it full of cats! The difference is quite a shock for Charlie, who isn’t sure how to cope. How can he make new friends? Charlie is shown learning to speak cat and struggling to adapt to a different culture – this book can be used to encourage empathy towards children who have recently moved to a new country and to help reassure children that they will quickly make new friends. The ‘Buddy Bench’ shown in the book can introduce the concept of a ‘Buddy Bench’ and encourage children to use one in their playground.


Up and Down Mum (Mom) – For children who grow up in the care of a parent who has bipolar disorder, life can be filled with anxiety and uncertainty. With the aid of a clear and simple information spread, this story helps us to understand the causes of bipolar disorder and how we can learn to live with someone who has it. Developed in close consultation with families who have a parent with bipolar disorder and created in collaboration with the Welcomed Trust.


Astrid and the Sky Calf – Astrid enjoys treating magical creatures in her hospital. One day, a Sky Calf appears. Astrid tries everything to diagnose the newcomer, but she can’t figure out why it has come to her for help. Astrid learns that the best prescription sometimes is friendship and a safe environment. The book introduces children to the subject of mental health and invisible illnesses. Art therapy is subtly included: characters draw and play music together.


Keith amongst the Pigeons – Keith is a cat, but he’d rather be a pigeon. He loves to watch them and learn their ways, but they won’t let him get too close. A timely book about being true to yourself when you can’t find a label that quite fits how you feel. The book can be used on many levels, but it is a particularly good way to help children to understand gender identity and encourage them to stay open-minded. It can be used to stimulate discussions about the way others perceive us compared to how we perceive ourselves and why we should treat everyone with respect.


Milo & Monty – Milo and Monty are very different dogs. Monty enjoys hugs and noisy playtimes, but Milo prefers to avoid people and hide in a cosy, quiet space. A great way to start a conversation about autism and some of the small changes we can make to create a comfortable environment for autistic people. The book can encourage empathy and contains the message that people and animals can show affection in different ways.


The Things – Thing lives a simple life with a cactus and a moose shadow puppet for company. Thing is happy by itself, so how will it react when another ‘Thing’ appears? A quirky story about how generosity, understanding and tolerance can lead to true friendship.

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Hard Cover, Soft Cover